Využijte konzultace v rámci Writing Pointu
Využijte konzultace v rámci Writing Pointu
Akademičtí pracovníci a doktorandi mají možnost využít nabídku konzultací pro zdokonalení svého anglického akademického psaní Writing Point.
Consultation times
We offer two 30-minute consultation sessions per semester per faculty employee/PhD student. Each session also involves preparatory reading and analysis of the text by the consultant. The second of these sessions may be replaced by one email exchange in which you send a re-drafted text (of up to two pages) and we offer written feedback. If the set consultation times are impossible for you, an alternative time may be negotiated (but this is not guaranteed).
Winter semester 2021
- Pamela Cotte: Tuesdays 10:00 – 10:30. Room 116, Hollar, Smetanovo nábřeží 6, 110 01 Praha 1
- Andrew Goodall: Tuesdays 15:30 – 16:00. Room 312, Opletalova 26, 110 00 Praha 1
NB: In case current restrictions require it, video-call consultations may be offered in place of face-to-face meetings.