Fakultní časopisy

Fakultní časopisy


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Odkazy na stránky fakultních časopisů

Acta Politologica

Acta Politologica (AcPo) je recenzovaný politologický časopis vydávaný Katedrou politologie Institutu politologických studií Fakulty sociálních věd Univerzity Karlovy. Je také oficiálním časopisem České politologické společnosti. Založen byl v roce 2009 a vychází online formou dvakrát ročně v dubnu a říjnu. Časopis přijímá do recenzního řízení původní odborné články, které vycházejí z vlastního výzkumu autora, dále recenzní články, recenze, zprávy z konferencí a vědeckých setkání, diskusní příspěvky apod., a to v anglickém nebo českém jazyce. Acta Politologica je indexovaný v databázích Scopus, ERIH PLUS, CEEOL, Google Scholar a DOAJ.

Journal of Nationalism, Memory & Language Politics

Journal of Nationalism, Memory & Language Politics. (JNMLP, ISSN 2570-5857) is a peer-reviewed journal published by De Gruyter on behalf of the Charles University. It is committed to exploring divergent scholarly opinions, research and theories of current international academic experts, and is a forum for discussion and hopes to encourage free-thinking and debate among academics, young researchers and professionals over issues of importance to the politics of identity and memory as well as the political dimensions of language policy in the 20th and 21st centuries. The journal is indexed with and included in Google Scholar, EBSCO, CEEOL and SCOPUS.  JNMLP encourage research articles that employ qualitative or quantitative methodologies as well as empirical historical analyses regarding, but not limited to, the following issues

  • Trends in nationalist development, whether historical or contemporary
  • Policies regarding national and international institutions of memory as well as investigations into the creation and/or dissemination of cultural memory
  • The implementation and political repercussions of language policies in various regional and global contexts
  • The formation, cohesion and perseverance of national or regional identity along with the relationships between minority and majority populations
  • The role ethnicity plays in nationalism and national identity
  • How the issue of victimhood contributes to national or regional self-perception
  • Priority is given to issues pertaining to the 20th and 21st century political developments.

Acta Universitatis Carolinae Studia Territorialia 

Acta Universitatis Carolinae Studia Territorialia (AUC ST, ISSN 1213-4449) is a peer-reviewed academic quarterly focusing on modern history and area studies. It covers social, political, and economic affairs of the nations of North America, Europe, and Eurasia. The journal was founded in 2001. It brings scholarly articles, reviews, and reports on new books, conferences as well as current research. The journal is published in Prague by the Karolinum Press on behalf of Charles University's Institute of International Studies.

The Central European Journal of Public Policy 

The Central European Journal of Public Policy (CEJPP, ISSN 1802-4866) is a peer-reviewed electronic journal published in English twice a year. The aim of the CEJPP is to provide academic scholars and professionals in different policy fields with the latest theoretical and methodological advancements in public policy supported by sound empirical research. It is a multi-disciplinary and public problems oriented journal which attempts to find a balance between description, explanation and evaluation of public policies and that encourages a wide range of social science approaches, both qualitative and quantitative. Although the journal focuses primarily upon Central Europe, relevant contributions from other geographical areas are also encouraged in order to enhance public policy research in Central Europe.

Czech Journal of Economics and Finance 

The Czech Journal of Economics and Finance (Finance a úvěr, ISSN 0015-1920) is an English-language, double-blind refereed academic journal published in Prague since 1951. It devotes special attention to monetary economics, public finance, financial economics, and international economics, but it is open to high-quality papers from all fields of modern economics. The editors prefer empirically oriented papers, but do not exclude review articles or theoretical contributions provided that they are of high quality and relevant to the journal's aims.

Mediální studia / Media Studies

Mediální studia / Media Studies (ISSN 2464-4846) is a peer-reviewed electronic journal, published in English, Czech and Slovak twice a year. Based in disciplines of media and communication studies, it focuses on analyses of media texts, media professionals practices and media audiences behavior. We especially welcome papers covering media in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and support the emphasis on the dynamics of local-global knowledge on media and its mutual connections.