Coronavirus - updates and recommendation

Coronavirus - updates and recommendation
Charles University is closely monitoring developments regarding the potential spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus, following the latest reports and providing updates. In the event that the situation escalates in the Czech Republic, Charles University will promptly follow instructions issued by the authorities. Coronavirus infection has also started to spread in Italy in recent days, particularly in the regions of Veneto and Lombardy. Czech students and employees working in the area should stay in home quarantine for two weeks after their return to the Czech Republic.
A total of 15 Charles University students are returning from Italy, while another 20 are expected to leave for Italy. Three CU students are in Italy for the whole year and do not plan to return early. The current recommendation is that students (both Czech and foreign) who were residents in the affected areas (ie not only passed through) upon arrival in the Czech Republic obey 14 days of quarantine. As for Czech students who have a choice, they should prefer to spend it at home, eg with their parents, not in a dormitory.
Recommendation of the Academic Senate of Charles University (AS CU):
The AS CU recommends that students or employees of Charles University who travel from China or who have come into close contact with persons infected with the coronavirus to limit any social contact, to stay at home, and not to participate in instruction or work at the university for a period of two weeks, even if they do not have any symptoms of the illness.
The AS CU recommends that, for the necessary period of time, the deans of all CU faculties:
- grant study leave to affected students
- grant work leave to affected employees, which will be assessed as an obstacle to work on the part of the employer, in accordance with Section 208 of the Labour Code.
Students may contact the student affairs department, and employees may contact the HR department of our Faculty. Please follow the instructions to maintain your health and the health of your surroundings.
General recommendations
The Czech Republic's Health Ministry has issued a set of basic guidelines in line with those set by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as well as the ECDC in Europe and the CDC in the United States.
Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
Wash your hands often with soap and water.
Use hand sanitizer as a disinfectant if coming into contact with anyone with respiratory illness.
Avoid crowded areas.
Individuals suffering from respiratory illnesses should take care when blowing their nose, and cover their mouth when sneezing, using tissues and disposing of those in the wastebasket.
Healthcare workers need to be diligent and protect themselves when treating others.
Source: WHO, Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic, ČT24
The decision of the Hygienic Station of Prague
On Friday, February 7, Charles University received the Decision of the Hygienic Station of the Capital City of Prague. Thresholds issued in relation to the risk of a coronavirus epidemic (2019-nCoV). This Decision was immediately distributed across Charles University, to the management of faculties and parts, to the attention of secretaries.
If you have questions about the coronavirus epidemic, write to or call to +420 224 491 850 (Monday–Thursday 9:00–17:00, Friday 9:00–16:00).