Statement of the Dean of FSV UK regarding the disruption of the lecture by prof. Adam Fagan

Statement of the Dean of FSV UK regarding the disruption of the lecture by prof. Adam Fagan
The Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University systematically and over a long period supports the presence of foreign academics and students. Its management is convinced that the willingness of foreign lecturers to share their expertise at FSV UK and thereby expand the knowledge horizon of our academic community is a key condition for the successful development of the faculty.
As a Dean, I have to condemn all the more strongly the disruption of the lecture of prof. Fagan "Beyond the two-state solution: rethinking the path to peace after October 7th, 2023", which took place on November 5, 2024 in the Jinonice Campus, by pro-Palestinian activists. Their intervention had a political, ideological nature and was in stark contrast to the values and rules that the faculty insists on when organising events on its premises.
FSV UK welcomes and protects the expression of critical opinions, which are fundamental to the functioning of the academic community. Every academic must be prepared to withstand criticism of the positions they hold and the conclusions they present. But the collective chanting of slogans is not criticism and waving the flag is not discussion.
Bringing political or ideological activism onto university grounds unnecessarily increases the risk of conflict behaviour and directly negates the mission to which FSV UK actively subscribes. I will therefore look for all legal avenues that will help to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents and strengthen the autonomy of the academic space.
Since this is not an isolated incident, I also refer to an earlier, very apt university position (Czech only) on this type of protest. I promise that I will continue to defend the faculty as a space for free, expertly based discussion that takes place correctly and with decency and respect for all its participants.
PhDr. JUDr. Tomáš Karásek, Ph.D.
Dean of FSV UK