Institute of Communication and Journalism Faculty of Social Sciences CU, Department of Psychology and Life Sciences Faculty of Humanities CU and Institute of Czech Language and Theory of Communication Faculty of Arts CU organize Children & Youth Perspectives Conference: Theory, Research and Practice in the European context on 14th - 15th September 2023 at the Kampus Hybernská.
The Multiplier Event is a crucial component of the WISE - Well-being Innovations for Students in Europe project, which strives to enhance the mental health and overall well-being of students across European universities. It takes place on June 5-6, 2023, at the Patriotic Hall of the Rectorate of Charles University and it is open to students, UK staff, and anyone interested in the topic.
On May 29th, the Peace Research Centre Prague and the Institute of Political Studies will welcome a leading U.S. scholar Professor Abraham Newman from Georgetown University to discuss the changes and challenges of the increasing use of economics as a tool in geopolitical contests among major powers. The event will take place at Jinonice Campus (U Kříže 611/8) in room B103B.
The FSV UK Language Centre organizes the Summer School of Czech language for complete and false beginners, which takes place from 4 to 15 September at Opletalova 26. The price is 130 EUR and you can receive 2 ECTS credits.
EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy organizes the 20th year of European Summer School from 8 to 15 July 2023 in Prague. The topic is Steering through the complexities of climate change: Is the EU nearing the point of no return? You can apply until 11 June 2023.
The Institute of International Studies invites you to a guest lecture by Professor Jelena Subotić (Georgia State University) on the topic of "Holocaust Remembrance and Foreign Policy in East and Central Europe" on Thursday, May 4, at 17:00 in room C116 (Jinonice Campus - u Kříže 8).