After Graduation

After Graduation

As you are approaching your graduation and focus on studying for your state exams, make sure to remember a a couple of important things:

Diploma and confirming your graduation

Your education is formally finished and you obtain your degree the moment you succesfully pass your final state exams/defend your thesis.The diplomas are generally issued about three months after you pass your final state exams. You will receive it along with diploma supplement during a graduation ceremony.

  • In the meantime you may need a proof of finishing your studies for various reasons. The International Office can issue a confirmation of graduation. This document can replace the diploma for employers, visa or universities. 
  • If you already know you won't be able to make it to the ceremony, please stop by the International Office to sign a power of attorney that will allow us to collect the diploma for you and mail it to whichever address you prefer. Without it, we will not be able to do so. 


Visa after graduation

The day of your successful thesis defense/final state exams, you stop being a Charles University student. If your visa is based on your student status and you want to stay in Czechia, you will have to get a different type of visa.

As a graduate of Czech university, you have free access to Czech job market. This means that you can be employed in the same way as any Czech citizen.

You have several visa options:

    To obtain a work permit, you need to already have a job offer of a full-time position. You can apply in Czechia, at the Ministry of Interior's office. The permit is granted for max. 2 years and takes approx. 60-90 days to process. 
    More about the permit and the application process here.
    This type of visa requires you to obtain a trade license and become self-employed/freelancer. Before opting for this, we recommend researching all obligations connected to being a trade license holder in Czechia (i.e. you have to do your own taxes, etc.). You can apply in your country od passport or in the Dresden visa center, if you have lived in Czechia for at least 2 years using student visa/residence permit. The process takes 90-120 days.
    More about the permit and the application process here.
    This is a 9-month permit specifically created for university graduates looking for a job. You can apply in Czechia, at the Ministry of Interior's office. The process takes 60 days.
    More about the permit and the application process here.

Note: Make sure to apply for the new visa BEFORE your previous visa expires!