Jinonice Campus
Map of the Jinonice Campus
Suggestions, questions
You can send suggestions, questions and proposals to the email jinonice@fsv.cuni.cz.
Opening of Building A
Building approval
- Building approval permit for building A has been granted. Building A, including the library, is open since December 13, 2023.
- Bistro UKafé in building A is open since February 5, 2024.
- In the summer of 2023, the outdoor areas were approved. Based on the approval decision of the building authority, the staircase in the street V Zářezu is fully operational.
Employee and student ID cards
- To enter the building and all rooms in Jinonice, you must have a CU card. If you don't have one, apply for it at CU Point. It takes 24 hours for newly set up cards to be fully synchronized and functional.
- External teachers will borrow their entrance card at the reception desk (as has been the case so far with the lending of keys and technical equipment for seminar rooms and lecture halls). Employees can proceed in the same way if they forget their ID, or they can contact the secretariat of their institute.
- If your entrance card does not work, please contact the Building Management.
- Employees and students can park in outdoor areas only with a valid parking permit. To obtain a permit, contact the Jinonice Campus Building Management.
- Entry to the underground garages is only allowed to faculty employees. Students do not have access to the underground garages, therefore they do not have access rights set on their student card to enter the garages and the building through the garages. It is also possible to park bicycles in the underground garage.
- Parking spaces cannot be shared between institutes or reserved. The system will operate on a first-come, first-served basis.
- External employees must pick up an access card at the gatehouse before entering the underground garages.
- The library in building A opens on December 13, 2023.
- New for the Summer Semester 2024/2025: As part of a pilot scheme, students outside FSV UK can apply for temporary access to the night study room. Applications can be submitted online.
- Printers for students are available in the new library in building A.
Kitchen for students
- Students can use a kitchen in room C118, behind the Miloslav Petrusek auditorium.
- In the kitchen there is a microwave oven, a kettle, a refrigerator and tables.
- As FSV UK students, you can use services that are provided not only at the Jinonice Campus - for example, psychological help, support for students with special needs or career counseling.
- You can find more information here.
Posters and promotional materials
- Posters can be hung in Jinonice only in designated places - magnetic strips in the seminar rooms above hangers and magnetic boards in the corridors.
- In the entire building, it is prohibited to put up posters using scotch tape, double-sided adhesive tapes, adhesive rubbers, etc.
Which parts of FSV UK are located in Jinonice?
- Three institutes (IMS, IPS, ISS) and the Language Centre are completely located in Jinonice. For ICSJ and IES, teaching will take place in Jinonice only for selected subjects (the schedule of teaching of individual subjects can be found in SIS). ICSJ operates a Radio and Television Laboratory (RTL) and a photolab here.
- In addition, the IT department, the office for students with special needs, psychological and career counseling are located in Jinonice. As part of the expansion of PR services, PAC employees will be present in Jinonice on pre-determined days (e.g. press spokesperson).
Technical manuals
Jinonice Campus Reception: 267 224 111 or 607 042 825
About the project
Modernization and extension of teaching facilities in the Jinonice compound
Modernization and extension of teaching facilities in the Jinonice compound
Registration number: CZ.02.2.67/0.0/0.0/16_016/0002336
Operational Program: Operational Program Research, Development and Education
Appeal Number: 02_16_016
The aim of the project is to modernize and expand the premises and facilities for teaching in the Jinonice compound. These goals are in line with the objectives of the OP VVV, SPR UK and DZ FSV UK, in order to achieve the goals of the complementary ESF project. The project includes the acquisition of technological means supporting current trends, i.e. becoming equal with the world's top universities in the ways and conditions of teaching. An important element of the project is the establishment of laboratories for practical teaching and retrofitting the library at the FSV UK.
Total eligible expenditure: 839 714 846 CZK