E+ICM: Staff Mobility for Teaching

E+ICM: Staff Mobility for Teaching

Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (E+ ICM) is a program within Erasmus+ framework promoting exchange of students and academics with partner countries of the Erasmus+ programme (i.e. non-EU and non-EFTA countries and not candidate countries for EU membership).

The Faculty of Social Sciences (FSV UK) receives funding for stipends in accordance with budgets of the Czech Ministry of Education and EU, with their level being set by the Erasmus+ ICM programme.

Staff mobility for Teaching – teaching stay of scientific/pedagogical staff at partner university. The minimum duration is 5 working days, the maximum duration is 2 months. It is necessary to teach at least 8 teaching hours per week (i.e. at least 8 teaching hours per 5 working days as a minimum, however, the hours can be cumulated). Teaching activities may take place in the form of lectures, seminars, or consultations with students. It must be part of the study program of the receiving institution.

Participation at a conference cannot be acknowledged as a form of teaching abroad stay.students happy travel

Current Mobilities' Offer (update September, 2021)

Project 2024 - until 31st July 2027

Institute at FSV UK Country University Number of spots SMS Number of spots STA Number of spots STT
Institute of International Studies (IMS) Chile Pontifica Universidad Católica de Valparaíso 2 1 0

Project 2022 - until 31st July 2025

(the first possible exchange is during WS 2023/2024 - last possible exchange is during SS 2024/2025)

Institute at FSV UK Country University Number of spots SMS Number of spots STA Number of spots STT
Institute of International Studies (IMS) Montenegro University of Montenegro 4 3 0
Institute of International Studies (IMS) Bosnia and Herzegovina University of Sarajevo  3 3 0
Institute of International Studies (IMS) Albania University of Tirana 3 3 0

SMS: Student Mobility for Studies
STA: Staff Mobility for Teaching
STT: Staff Mobility for Training


Program Length:

  • depends on each particular country and the partner institution
  • a minimum duration of 5 days is required
  • a maximum duration of 2 months is possible

Financial Support:

  • the grant is composed out of two parts, one to support the travel costs and the second to aid with the accommodation and other costs.

Accommodation Cost Support:

  • Incoming Academics: 140 EUR/day (1 – 14 days ); 98 EUR/day (15 – 60 days)
  • Outgoing Academics: 180 EUR/day (1 – 14 days);126 EUR/day (15 – 60 days)

Travel Costs Support:

 Travel Distance        

    Travel Cost Support  

10  –  99 km

    20 EUR per participant

100 – 499 km

  180 EUR per participant

500 – 1999 km

  275 EUR per participant

2000 – 2999 km

  360 EUR per participant

3000 – 3999 km

  530 EUR per participant

4000 – 7999 km

  820 EUR per participant

over 8000 km

1500 EUR per participant

Required documents to apply for Teaching Mobility

  • Mobility Agreement for Teaching (please, click here
  • Invitation letter from a contact person at receiving institution
  • Information for Issuing A Grant Agreement form (please, click here
  • CV
  • Passport copy


  1. Follow the nomination process at your respective Institute. 
  2. The Institute forwards the list of nominated academics/staff to FSV UK International Office including their CV, Passport Copy and the purpose of their mobility (i.e., aims/activities/research, etc). 
  3. The FSV International Office coordinator sends all the above-mentioned documents to the receiving institution and officially nominates the candidates. 

The exchange cannot be guaranteed until confirmed by the partner university.

  1. After the nomination is confirmed, find a contact person at the receiving institution with whom you can arrange the teaching/training activities of your mobility and:
    1. fill in the Erasmus+ Mobility Agreement for Teaching (TA). Do not forget to fill in your name (Participant’s name) in the header of the document
    2. ask for the Invitation letter

NOTE: If a participant has already a contact person at the receiving institution during the application process, the TA/TRA and the Invitation letter can be filled in and processed simultaneously. However, the FSV UK International Office needs the final approval of the acceptance from the receiving institution’s International Office.   

  1. Once you agree on the content of the TA with your contact person, send a scan of the TA with your signature to the FSV UK International Office coordinator. Please, also include:
    1. the Invitation letter from a contact person at the receiving institution
    2. a filled-in Information for Issuing A Grant Agreement form
  2. The FSV UK International Office coordinator will sign the TA on behalf of the sending institution and will send it to the receiving institution for the final signature. 
  3. All the above-mentioned documents are passed on to the European Office of Charles University that prepares a Grant Agreement stating the financial support depending on the length of your stay. The coordinator will inform you once the agreement is ready for you to sign.


  1. Arrange the usual Employee Travel Abroad Authorisation at the Economic department of the faculty. Please do not forget to mention that your mobility is within the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility program and that you will receive financial support from the rectorate to your bank account before the mobility.
  2. The payment of the Erasmus financial support will be sent via a bank transfer to your account (preferably EUR currency account) a few days before your departure. This is processed by the European Office.


  1. A Confirmation of Erasmus+ Teaching (please, click here) must be filled in and approved by the International Office, or an academic or a director of the receiving Department/Institute. The original must be delivered to the FSV International Office. 
  2. Please remember that after your mobility you have to claim the reimbursement of the travel expenses as for a usual business trip. Note that in case your final travel costs will be higher than the Erasmus+ ICM financial support, you need to provide another financial source to cover the rest (usually from the institute). Please contact the faculty Account Office for more information on business trip requirements.


Institutes and their Erasmus+ conditions Coordinators at the institutes
Institute of Economic Studies PhDr. Lenka Šťastná, Ph.D.
Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism Mgr. Jan Miessler
Institute of International Studies Mgr. Jiřina Tomečková
Institute of Political Studies PhDr. Malvína Krausz Hladká, Ph.D.
Institute of Sociological Studies Mgr. Terezie Hanzlíková

Contact Person

For more information contact PhDr. Veronika Šilhová, email: exchange@fsv.cuni.cz.