FSV UK Career Day

FSV UK Career Day
Are you our international student or recent graduate? Join us for FSV UK Career Day on 16 May 2023 in Jinonice Campus! You can look forward to a CV workshop, a Czech labour law lecture, career counselling or a photographer who can take a professional photo for your CV.
Program (will be added to):
Impress with your CV
- 9:30 - 10:50
- Room No B.103a
- Lecturer: doc. PhDr. Miloš Brunclík, Ph.D., Institute of Political Studies
- The aim of this seminar is to familiarize students with the basic principles of preparing a high-quality curriculum vitae. However, the CV is not the only document you send together with your application. Oftentimes, you are also required to send a cover letter or a letter of recommendation. Therefore, our seminar will also include proper strategies of relating your CV to these other documents. Most importantly, everything will be demonstrated in specific examples from real life.
- If you want the lecturer to examine your current CV and eventually to comment on it at the end of his lecture or use it as an (anonymized) example, you can send it to email sylvie.fiserova@fsv.cuni.cz beforehand.
Photobooth - portrait photos for CV/LinkedIn
- 9:30 - 11:30
- entrance hall
- Are you wondering if a CV is better with or without a photo? Do you need a suitable LinkedIn photo? A photo on a CV can feel more personal, but vacation photos are definitely not suitable. The appropriate photo format is the one you have in your ID card or passport: it captures your face against a one-colour background.
- It is not easy to take such a photo yourself. We will have a photographer on our career day so you can get a professional photo for your CV!
Czech labour law lecture
- 11:00 - 12:20
- Room No B.103b
- Lecturer: Mgr. Hana Křenková, Advokátní kancelář Křenková, s.r.o.
- The lecture will focus generally on the issue of work permits in the Czech Republic, the difference between employment and business, and what types of contracts can be concluded in the Czech Republic. We will also go through the general obligations of foreigners in the Czech Republic and what opportunities Czech law offers for graduates. The lecture will be conducted by attorney Mgr. Hana Křenková, who focuses on legal assistance to foreigners in the Czech Republic and on simplifying communication with Czech authorities.
Make the most of your LinkedIN
- 12:30 -13:50
- Room No B.103a
- Lecturer: Sudhanshu Kadre, European Horizons at Charles University
- Learn how to optimize your LinkedIn profile with relevant keywords and how to make the most of it by building a professional network and joining LinkedIn groups to engage with like-minded professionals. Leverage LinkedIn's job search tools to find and apply for relevant job postings, create and share your own content and engage with content from thought leaders, industry influencers, and hiring managers.
Space for your Q&A
- 12:00 - 14:00
- Room No C121
- Sylvie Fišerová, our Career Advisor, and Marcela Vrbatová from the International Office
- Do you have a career-related question? Do you want to know where to look for a job or part-time job in Czechia, do you want to consult your CV, or simply don't know where to start?
- You can arrange a meeting with a career counselor at FSV UK: (https://fsv.cuni.cz/en/contacts/people/11592451) or you can stop by with quick questions right during the Career Day. You will be advised by Sylvie, our Career Advisor, and Marcela and Preeti from the International Office.
Panel discussion: Experience with working in Czechia
- 14:00 - 15:20
- Room No B.103b
- Panelists:
- Chloé Landemaine - IMS Erasmus Student - Experience at European Institute of Technology
- Martina Camicia - IPS - Experience at Horizon Intelligence
- Danijela Nandi - ISS - Experience working at a consultancy company
- Zein Abdo - IPS/IES - Internship experience post-graduation
FB event is here.
The event is organized in cooperation with European Horizons at Charles University.