Students with Special Educational Needs
Information for students with special educational needs
The whole Charles University seeks to enable all students comparable conditions for study and therefore it offers various types of support to students with special educational needs, i.e. to those who, due to a congenital or acquired health condition, requires modification of study conditions for the purpose of the successful study.
Contact person for English speaking students with special needs
If you are interested in being registered as a student with special educational needs, please arrange an appointment (preferably by e-mail) with Lenka Lapšanská or Lucie Pištěková (, the contact person for special-needs students, who will willingly explain you all the steps, which need to be done in order to be registered and to make use of services designated for special-needs students.
The contact person is also the key contact for students when arranging the modification of conditions for study. It is recommended to stay in contact with the contact person during the whole period of study so that any occurring problems can be responded before they negatively affect the course of studies.
Mgr. Lenka Lapšanská | Bc. Lucie Pištěková, DiS. |
E-mail: Phone: 222 112 239; 267 224 211 Room 219, building Hollar, Smetanovo nabrezi 6, Praha 1 Room C615, Jinonice Please contact me via email. |
E-mail: Phone: 222 112 234; 267 224 210 Room 220, building Hollar, Smetanovo nabrezi 6, Praha 1 Room C616, Jinonice Please contact me via email. |
Who is considered a student with special educational needs?
A student with special educational needs is a student with vision, hearing and mobility impairments, specific learning disorders, chronic illnesses or complaint, psychological disorders, impaired ability to communicate and combined disabilities.
What are the main types of support?
- Assistance during study
- Digitalization of study texts
- Interpreting, transcription and recording services
- Copying services
- Time compensation in examinations
- Individual tuition
- Loan of aids
- Special information and counselling services
All these services are provided free of charge to students registered at the Faculty of Social Sciences as “students with special educational needs” and on the basis of the student's type of disability.