Erasmus+ ICM Staff Mobility For Training

Erasmus+ ICM Staff Mobility For Training

Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (E+ ICM) is a program within the Erasmus+ framework promoting the exchange of students, academics and non-academic staff with partner countries of the Erasmus+ program (i.e. non-EU and non-EFTA countries and not candidate countries for EU membership). Mobilities are realized via projects with selected universities, the period of implementation is 3 years. Projects are submitted in a yearly call in February and the results are usually announced in August.

General information can be found here.students happy travel

General Information

Staff mobility for Training – professional development of scientific/academic or non-pedagogical staff in the form of training or job shadowing. The purpose is to obtain new skills and knowledge and apply them at home institutions. The minimum duration is 5 working days, the maximum duration is 2 months.

Required documents to apply for Training Mobility:

  • Mobility Agreement for Training (available here
  • Invitation letter from a contact person at receiving institution
  • CV
  • Passport copy
  • Information for issuing the Grant Agreement (see here)


  1. Check available places and all conditions of your mobility with the person responsible for Erasmus+ ICM at your home university (sending institution).
  2. After your nomination is approved, your coordinator sends all relevant documents to the FSV International Office, Charles University (receiving institution). 
  3. Find a contact person at the receiving institution with whom you can arrange the academic part of your mobility and:
    1. complete the Erasmus+ Mobility Agreement for Training (TRA). Please remember to fill in your name (Participant’s name) in the header of the document;
    2. ask for the Invitation letter from the contact person. 
  4. Once you agree on the content of the TRA and the exact dates of your visit with your contact person at the receiving institution, ask the responsible person at your home university to sign the TRA. After, send the signed TRA and the Invitation letter to the FSV International Office. 

NOTE: If a participant has already a contact person at the receiving institution during the application process, the TRA and the Invitation letter can be filled in and processed simultaneously. However, the FSV International Office needs to provide the final approval of the acceptance. 

  1. As soon as the receiving institution confirms the TRA, the final scan containing all signatures will be sent back to the sending institution.
  2. The European Office at Charles University prepares a Grant Agreement stating the financial support depending on the length of your stay and the distance between both universities. You will be informed about the amount of the financial support in advance, however, you will sign the original Grant agreement upon your arrival at Charles University.
  3. Arrange the usual travel authorisation at your home university. Contact the Erasmus+ ICM coordinator at the receiving institution in case you need help finding accommodation.


  1. The European Office of Charles University contacts you to sign the Grant Agreement.  
  2. The payment of the Erasmus financial support currently works in cooperation with a partner bank of our university (Komerční banka a.s.). You will receive the money in cash after presenting your passport to the cashier of any branch of Komerční banka in the Czech Republic.
  3. At the end of your stay, the Erasmus+ ICM coordinator at the Faculty of Social Sciences will issue a Confirmation of your Erasmus+ Teaching mobility. You will present this confirmation upon your return to the coordinator at your home university.


If you have any questions regarding the application, please, do not hesitate to contact Barbora Stará,