Do you plan to study abroad? Keep up with the application deadlines for summer schools, research and study stays e.g. in Latvia, Bulgaria or Austria.
Ukrainian students in need of help can contact the faculty at life@fsv.cuni.cz. Please, share this email address and use it in case you have suggestions or want to pass on any important information.
The German-Czech-Bavarian University Agency (BTHA) offers scholarships for German courses and summer schools in Bavaria to students, teachers and researchers at universities in the Czech Republic. Applications are accepted by the BTHA until 31 March 2022.
Do you feel lost? Do you find difficult to fulfil your study obligations? Do you feel under the weather and the pandemic is making it even worse? Do you feel pressured or lonely? Are you struggling with problematic relationships? Join us for a webinar with the Loono organization on 28 February 2022 at 6:00 p.m. via ZOOM. For FSV UK students and employees only.
Do you plan to study abroad? Keep up with the application deadlines for summer courses and schools, tutored study groups, research stays for academics, inter-faculty agreements, or scholarships for France, Poland and Slovakia.
The Alliance 4EU+ Flagship 2 representatives organize an open online session "Towards Educational Pathways" on 26 January 2022 from 1 to 3 pm via Zoom. The session is addressed to all academic teachers in the fields of the humanities or social sciences from the 4EU+ universities. Register by Sunday, 23 January 2022.