Rector's Mobility Fund

Spring round of the Mobility Fund 2025-1

The FM application

The spring round of Mobility Fund is open from 01/02/2025 to 12/03/2025 until 12 noon (faculty deadline).

The results of the spring round of FM UK will be known in May 2025.

Applications are submitted through the electronic application IS Věda UK (section PAS - projects and competitions). To log in, you need a CAS login name (personal identification number) and password.

In order to successfully submit an application, it is necessary to upload the application together with the complete required documents by the specified faculty deadline, after this deadline it will not be possible to accept applications.

You can find the manuals for creating an application for a financial contribution from FM UK in the application environment.

Questions about FM can be sent to, by phone at 222 112 140 at Veronika Šilhová, OZS, office 216b.


Czech version

The university's main instrument for the support of students studying abroad the Rector's Mobility Fund (Fond mobility UK), which was set up in 2001 primarily to help finance university-to-university exchanges.

Financial support from the Rector's Mobility Fund may be granted to both the student, the academic staff and the visiting academic staff.

The Mobility Fund generally issues two calls for funding applications per year, one with a deadline in March, and one in October

Notice: Please keep in mind that the applications are not supported in the full amount of the requested sum.

Ii is not possible to apply for the CU Mobility Fund and the Erasmus+ scholarship at the same time!

Mobility Fund Status

Guidelines for the CU Mobility Fund 2025-1

Rector´s Measure 39/2024


It is not possible to submit an application to support your study/ research Exchange in 





For more information contact PhDr. Veronika Šilhová, email: