Scholarships and funding FSV UK

Scholarships and funding FSV UK

!Acceptance of new applications suspended until further notice. Thank you for your understanding.


If a scholarship awarded by the Rector's Mobility Fund CU is not enough to cover the student's expenses while spending a semester abroad, a student can apply for an additional scholarship to support his exchange. The scholarship is awarded by the Faculty of Social Sciences according to the Rules for awarding scholarships and bursaries at the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University, article 6. 

The form could be uploaded here

In case a student is applying for a scholarship for mobility where the call has not taken place under the Faculty of Social Sciences UK, she/he must attach additional documents to the application: 

- a letter of intention (max. 1xA4)

- a recommendation letter of an academic or supervisor from FSV UK (max. 1xA4)

- a confirmation of acceptance (issued by the host university/institution)

A student must apply for this type of scholarship before his/her departure.

Applications must be handed to the postal room of FSV UK, on an envelope please state "Application for a scholarship of Stipend Funding FSV UK", Martina Papoušková, International Office FSV UK. 


For more information contact Martina Papoušková, e-mail: