Life at Faculty
Life at Faculty
Student life is not only studying at a library or your dorm and attending lectures and seminars! There is a whole bunch of stuff students do together in their free time - social, cultural, political or sport events, trips, parties...and much more! There is nothing easier than just join and enjoy the life at FSV UK!
Greetings from the Dean in the new academic year 2024/25
Tomáš Karásek, the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, greets students in the new academic year 2024/25. You can watch the video here. -
New 4EU+ joint master’s programme at FSV UK
FSV UK will participate in the new Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s in European Environmental Economics and Policy (M3EP). The programme is a collaborative consortium consisting of five 4EU+ universities. Call for student applications will open on 15 November 2024. -
Sustainability Days 1-4 October
FSV UK is participating in the European Sustainable Development Week again this year.The Sustainability Working Group, in cooperation with student societies, prepared a varied program for you on 1-4 October 2024. -
Call for GAUK project competition is open
The Charles University Grant Agency (GAUK) has announced a call for 2025. Projects for 1-3 years can be submitted by MA and PhD students in the standard period of study. Webinar for applicants takes place on 4 October 2024 at 2 p.m. Faculty deadline for proposal submission is 31 October 2024. -
Tomáš Havránek's project was nominated for the Prize of the Chairman of the Czech Science Foundation (GACR)
Prof. Tomáš Havránek from the Institute of Economic Studies received the nomination for his project Meta-Analyses of Returns on Financial Investment Management Strategies. Other researchers from FSV UK also collaborated on the successful project – i.e. Jiří Novák, Jiří Schwarz and a recent doctoral graduate Mohammad Ali Elminejad Anjileh. Prize winners will be announced on October 8, 2024. -
Scholarship for a one-year study stay in Bavaria for MA and PhD students
It is now possible to submit applications for a scholarship for a one-year study stay in Bavaria with the possibility of extension to a maximum of 3 years. The scholarship is intended to finance MA or PhD studies at a Bavarian public university. The deadline for applications for scholarships for the academic year 2025/26 is 1 December 2024.